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Strategy and brand identity for DentaCure
For many years, Fenucure Medical have developed products for oral hygiene based on the seeds from the fenugreek plant. The plant is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory effect and is therefore a natural yet effective remedy for the harmful bacteria causing gum problems. We have been working closely together with the team at FenuCure […]
Every second counts
The word is out! We are proud to finally share the first glimpse of the visual identity for the European Handball Federation (EHF) – a total rebrand that we have been working on for more than year. For starters, the new identity for EHF Champions League is revealed. And we can’t wait to show you more […]
How is Covid-19 impacting the packaging industry?
These few months, it’s been truly inspiring to see the number of brands and companies which have adapted to the new situation, and who are now producing hand sanitizer, face masks etc. But what key impacts will the pandemic have on the packaging industry in general? In this video, Mintel share some perspectives on how […]
Welcome to Hydroscand
Hydroscand is one of the leading global providers of services and solutions for hoses, fittings and related customer needs. Hydroscand operates in 20 countries, and their solutions are available through Hydroscand branches, mobile service units, production centers, resellers and e-commerce. Welcome on the client list. We are looking forward to sharing more information on our […]
New work rolling out …
Hamlet Protein promotes health, welfare and performance of farm livestock through specialty ingredients for young animal nutrition. The company finds themselves in an increasingly competitive market, and following the introduction of a new management team, Hamlet Protein wished for a common starting point. This reinforces the need for defining who they are, what they do […]
In the name of Sustainability
Everyone is talking about sustainability. Everything has to be ‘sustainable’, from our electricity, cars and clothes to our retirement savings. Granted; it is quite impressive that three Danish companies sit on the Top-6 Corporate Knight’s ranking of the world’s most sustainable companies. It leaves two questions that need answering. How do we ensure that the […]
Event – Packaging is a promise
‘Packaging is a promise’ – and this is exactly why we place such great demands on packaging today. For packaging is one of the few forms of branding that the consumers actually bring home. Furthermore, packaging is what ultimately has to sell the product on the shelf – in many cases, completely without the support […]
Morgenmøde – Packaging is a promise
‘Packaging is a promise‘ – Og netop derfor stiller vi så store krav til emballage i dag. For emballage er ikke alene en af de eneste former for branding forbrugerne tager med hjem og med videre, det er også emballagen som i sidste ende skal sælge produktet på hylden – i mange tilfælde, helt uden […]