These few months, it’s been truly inspiring to see the number of brands and companies which have adapted to the new situation, and who are now producing hand sanitizer, face masks etc. But what key impacts will the pandemic have on the packaging industry in general?
In this video, Mintel share some perspectives on how the packaging industry is adapting to COVID-19, and one of the changes they point out is our attitude towards the refill market. That was surely a growing market, tested by giants such as Kellogg’s in the UK. According to Mintel, half of the US consumers were actually interested in refill alternatives before the Corona crisis. But as Mintel’s Global Packaging Director David Luttenberger states in the video below, the crisis is “Erasing any momentum previously gained”. In the wake of this pandemic, we believe we will experience a larger need for food safety, protection and of course sustainability and reducing food waste.
Another area that will undoubtedly experience continuous growth in the wake of Corona is e-commerce. During the Covid-19 crisis, many have tested delivery of groceries for the first time, and many of these will most likely continue this behaviour after the pandemic, perhaps however, to a smaller extend. This trend is backed up by the following table from McKinsey & Company’s report on the matter, in which they also highlight a continuous focus on sustainability, though with a slight expected decrease due to the current concerns regarding hygiene and food safety. So, even though that health may have the priority over sustainability for the time being, we must not forget the sustainability agenda, which will remain fundamental in the years to come.

If you want to know more about how your brand can pick up on the market opportunities in the wake of the Corona crisis, or if you want to hear our insights on how your brand or company will stand strong in these times, do not hesitate to get in touch.
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