Packaging is identity at shelf

Products are often placed on the shelf with no further marketing support. So they need to tell their story and sell themselves through their packaging. Shelf impact becomes paramount for sales success.

Enhancing an iconic brand DNA

Faxe Kondi wanted market growth in the sugar-free segment and to stand out with a new bottle design that reflected their DNA, heritage and iconic status.

Irma private labels – Good and better

Irma has two quite successful private label product lines. However, there was a need for an easier distinction between the two lines – between good and better. We solved this by creating two very different expressions – one being colourful with lots of ”flavour” and the other with a graphic expression and a renewed checker pattern.

Packaging is a promise

We help brands secure a unique position in an ever-changing market by avoiding irrelevance and creating sustainable competitive advantages.

We have extensive experience with brand strategy, packaging design, implementation and activation for both local and global brands. We work closely with our clients to discover market opportunities, structure brand architecture, NPD, naming, packaging design, design implementation and activation.

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How can we help you?

We help brands to capture and build strong brand identities. We help with brand strategy, positioning, USPs & ESPs, value propositions, brand naming, brand architecture and portfolio management, regardless of your need to ensure differentiation in a competitive market or enter new markets.

We bring strategy to life in strong brand identities and packaging design. Whether our task is to build an entire brand identity system, make brand books, develop packaging design or create a new brand logo, we promise to always challenge the status quo and stay true to the brand DNA.

We can prepare print-ready files for each SKU and assist with the review of dielines, colour proofs, test prints, 3D renders, physical mock-ups and the like, to ensure a smooth process all the way from design to print.

We express brand identities not only in packaging design but also in web design and by developing communication and marketing material that generates results.
