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Morgenmøde – At skabe og styrke kulturelle brand-identiteter #2
Konkurrencen om den kulturelle forbrugers opmærksomhed er stærkt stigende, og kulturelle institutioner er i dag i skarp konkurrence med et bredt udbud af oplevelsesorienterede attraktioner. Kun få har en trofast og loyal besøgsskare og nutidens kulturforbrugere vil både have kunst, madoplevelser, shopping m.m. – en totaloplevelse. Hvordan retfærdiggør man som kulturinstitution i dag sin eksistens […]
Welcome Fenucure
Fenucure Medical is a Danish biotech company who has developed a plant extract from the Fenugreek plant. An extraction method so effective, that they decided to patent it. The plant is called Trigonella Foenum Graecum in Latin, and has historically speaking been known for its anti-inflammatory effects and has been used as a medical plant against bronchitis, […]
Wow – What a year
We’ve been quite busy for the last couple of months, and this is some of the work our fantastic design team has done this year – so far. Additional credits:Type design for Coop done in collaboration with Elias WernerImage used on Irma billboard provided by Büro JantzenFaxe Kondi bottle designed together with Jonas LundinShowreel created […]
Are you our next design intern?
We work with identity — both strategic and visual. And since 2004 we have delivered award-winning design solutions to both national and international clients. We are currently seeking two interns to become part of our design team. We offer a dynamic working environment with talented and passionate colleagues. Alongside our creative team, you will have […]
We can’t wait to show you more …
New case coming up soon. We have created a new visual identity for the Human Health division at Chr. Hansen. Stay tuned for more details and full case.
Morgenmøde – At skabe og styrke kulturelle brand-identiteter
Konkurrencen om den kulturelle forbrugers opmærksomhed er stærkt stigende, og kulturelle institutioner er i dag i skarp konkurrence med et bredt udbud af oplevelsesorienterede attraktioner. Kun få har en trofast og loyal besøgsskare og det er ikke længere nok fx at have god kunst på væggene. Nutidens kulturforbrugere vil også have madoplevelser, shopping m.m. – […]
Event – Creating and refining cultural brand identities
The race for attention from cultural consumers is tough, and cultural institutions today are in fierce competition with an increasing range of experience-oriented attractions to win the public’s favour. A faithful crowd of visitors are reserved for the few, and for the many, it is no longer enough, e.g. to have quality art on the […]
VELUX ready with first independent division
– IDna Group has created the visual identity In 2017, VELUX decided to set up its first independent division under the VELUX brand. Their ambition was to become the leading competitor in the commercial market, with a desire to grow the business line of skylight modules via acquisitions. With the acquisition of JET Group, Wasco […]