3 divisions – One united brand

Strategy and Corporate visual identity for SKAKO

SKAKO wanted to tell a stronger, clearer and more powerful story about itself, verbally as well as visually. Launching off from a One Brand Strategy, SKAKO asked IDna Group to assist on corporate and product brand strategy as well as developing the new SKAKO corporate visual identity.

Project details

The story is about a new and united SKAKO, the 3 divisions; LIFT, CONCRETE and VIBRATION, and all the different product brands that SKAKO produces as the most efficient and reliable supplier in its industry. When looking for conceptual inspiration for the creative development of SKAKO’s new corporate identity, we looked at the strong and heavy concrete industry combined with references from former SKAKO logos.

The SKAKO corporate identity became updated and more clear and strong in its shape, colours and typography – reflecting the heavy industry, large machinery and reliable products. SKAKO as a global provider, supported by its One-Brand strategy, can now become more visible as an important and trustworthy player in the market place.

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Visual identity is the most powerful expression of corporate strategy and the shortest climb to stand above and beyond the competition.


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