Rejuvenating a global fighter against psoriatic disease

Positioning, rebranding and activation – IFPA

IFPA is the International Federation for Psoriasis Associations, a global organization representing over 60 million people living with psoriatic disease around the globe. After achieving important milestones, such as adopting the WHO Resolution on Psoriasis and conducting the Global Report on Psoriasis, the global organization lacked a clear direction for future activities and needed to realign on a new ambition. In addition, programmes conducted by IFPA’s employees were run under different names, and it became unclear whether they belonged to the IFPA program or not.

Project details

IFPA is uniting 63 patient organizations in 53 countries representing over 60 million people living with psoriatic disease around the globe. In 2014, thanks to years of joint efforts by dedicated IFPA members, the WHO Resolution on Psoriasis was adopted, followed in 2016 by the conduction of the Global Report on Psoriasis. These two achievements marked milestones in IFPA’s history. 

We were selected as their partner, when IFPA defined their new “Unite. Strengthen. Lead”-strategy. Together with IFPA, we conducted a repositioning and rebranding process, activating the inherent identity of the federation for securing their impact against the disease in the next era. 

Strategic consultancy

Through strategic consultancy, we supported IFPA in reclaiming and expressing its position as the “Global leader in fighting psoriatic disease”, IFPA’s new tagline. The brand architecture was re-defined, resulting in IFPA taking more substantial ownership of its actions and programmes. 

Design – the strongest marker of change

True to our key competencies to translate strategy into design, we developed a powerful new logo and a strong and unique new visual identity. Through the design, we brought IFPA’s rejuvenated energy and its new ambitions to life, enabling the federation to unite and activate its large number of members around the globe and to reconnect with its stakeholders – Stating that there is a new IFPA. 

Bandwidth to express fight and advocacy

During the design work, several requirements needed to be balanced. The resulting visual tools reflect the bandwidth between being a patient organization leading a fight for millions of people against an often-misunderstood disease and, on the other side, being a federation representing psoriatic disease on the global WHO advocacy level. 

Activating strategy

The strategic and design groundwork is followed by several projects to activate IFPA’s identity and new position. Together with IFPA, we have developed a distinct tone of voice that expresses their identity in the written and spoken word.
In addition, we launched IFPA’s new website. And we created and designed a knowledge hub and a member portal to position IFPA in the digital world as the leading global source. This platform is uniting and strengthening the 63 patient organizations in 53 countries.

To support the IFPA team in their daily work communicating in their unique visual language, we used technology and developed an easy-to-use image generator.

Many more projects are in the pipeline, and we are proud to be part of IFPA’s journey into its next era.

World Psoriasis Day

As part of the website project, a landing page for World Psoriasis Day was launched. Spearheaded by a powerful key visual, we created several interaction possibilities to engage and participate in this important worldwide event against stigma.
With the help of technology, IFPA friends could create their own visual in the federation’s visual identity, showing their support in raising global awareness.

Strengthening the federation in activating a new ambitious strategy

“Working with IDna Group has supported and strengthened our federation in activating our new ambitious strategy. During the whole process, we cherished the strategic consultancy from a team, that showed deep understanding of our situation and of who we are as a federation. We love our new design; it secures attention and has opened many new doors. Through the new IFPA website, we provide a modern platform to efficiently activate our members and share knowledge – a true benefit of joining IFPA.”

Frida Dunger Johnsson, Executive Director, IFPA

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